No | Constituency | Name of Group | Contact Person | Income Generating Activity | Amount Loaned (ksh) | Success/Impact |
1 | Borabu Bomachoge | Jute Women Group | Agnes Kerubo 0714845072 | Dairy & Horticulture Farming | 200,000 | The group has bought 2 dairy cows and they supply the milk to the neighbouring schools and hospitals. Through the proceeds, they are now able to pay school fees for their children and live decently |
2 | Kisumu East | Riwruok Mogwedhi | Margaret Oloo 0716441008 | Tailoring Shop | 500,000 | Members supply school uniforms in the neighbouring schools They have witnessed improved livelihood |
3 | Turkana West | Full gospel Women Group | Ruth Nakupan 0728860652 | Rental Houses | 100,000 | Members have improved their incomes through the projects and are able to meet their basic needs and improve their livelihood |
4 | Nyali | Wakesho Women Group | Jane Mbinda 0723007822 | Training in tailoring, baking and behaviour change Weaving Kikoyi Processing Amaranth flour Processing Virgin Coconut oil | 350,000 | 500 girls have benefited from the training and are now self-reliant. -All members working in the business and the Net profit per month is Kshs. 30,000. |
6 | Chaka | Chaka Traditional Women Group | Nancy Mbare 0726283619 | Poultry farming, Tree Nursery, traditional dance group | 500,000 | The group make sales of Kshs30,000 -50,000 per month from the projects The group has employed 5 women in the project. The future plan for the group is to purchase incubators for egg processing |
7 | Naivasha | Ihindu Harmony Self Help Group | Teresia Ngendo 0705450065 | Green house farming | 200,000 | 15 women are involved in agribusiness supply indigenous vegetables the local supermarkets and of Kshs 50,000 per month and this has improved their live hoods. |
8 | Starehe | Sonatech Enterprises Ltd | Hellen Kanana Mburugu 0722 631 933 | Construction and general supplies | 2,000,000 | Employed 7 youths -Turnover per month of Kshs.4,000,000 (Awarded a tender /LSO worth from National Defense college, Karen -Ks 7Million and issued with LPO loan of ksh. 2Million to construct a store) |
9 | Machakos Town | Kuku Wetu Self Help Group | Christina 0724744943 | Poultry farming | 200,000 | The group has employed 2 women in the project. The future plan for the group is to purchase incubators for egg processing |
10 | Embakasi East | Elshadai Umoja Women Group | Scholar Njagi 0725874177 | SACCO lending | 500,000 | The group has started a SACCO and they are currently on lending to the members |
11 | Kwanza | Mwangaza Women Group Kobos | Azinapha Savatia 0720826567 | Poultry farming and rental houses | 200,000 | Members have improved their incomes through the projects and are able to meet their basic needs and improve their livelihood |
13 | Wajir East | Bismillahi Abokorey Wome Group | RahaMuhumed Mohamed 0729122751 | Dairy, Carmel, and livestock trade | 100,000 | Members have become confident since they no longer wait for the support of their spouses. They are able to supplement their incomes and support their families with basic needs. |
14 | Kericho | Kipkelion Precious Women Group | Eunice Njeri(Chairlady)-0704417128 | Individual businesses | 200,000 | They have managed to create employment to 16 Women and 3 Men. Their children are going to the best schools. They are now able to access medical care through NHIF |
15 | Uasin Gishu | Nyorgorkoilam Women Group | Joanne Komen(Chairlady)-0722-672522 | Horticultural Farming | 350,000 | They have better housing and access to education for their children. They now have rental houses from which they make a total income of Kshs.50,000. They want to use the money to build new rental houses. |
16 | Machakos | Dabee Investments (PWD) | Diana Belta 0717470754 | General Supplies | 400,000 | Diana had an opportunity to represent the Fund in the State House Youth Summit to talk about AGPO and how she has benefitted. She has been able to supply different government agencies and through this she has improved her income |
17 | Suna East | Samaki Women Group | Florence Gumbaya 0720943294 | Fish & poultry farming, | 350,000 | The group has been able to increase their table banking savings, nad in addition to a bank loan , they have acquired a mini bus which operate along Migori Kisumu route. They have employed 4 youths to manage the business. |
18 | Mathira | Kamucii Brotherhood Self Help Group | Pearls Mwangi 0728094324 | Dairy and poultry farming | 200,000 | The group has increased their yield by 200%; initially they had 1,000 poultry birds and currently they are 3,000 birds. Also, the group has been able to buy dairy cattle which members are able to sell milk and meet their other basis needs. |
19 | Emgwen | Jitegemee B Women Group | Emmy Musonye 0719323028 | Goat farming | 100,000 | They group bought 3 dairy goat from which they sold milk produced to the local communities. After six months, the group bought 4 more goats and they earn a profit of ksh. 9,000 monthly. |
20 | Belgut | Kapbor Women Group | Jane Murgor (Chairlady)-0727877108 | Poultry farming | 500,000 | They have built rental houses. Their poultry farming business has really expanded as each member produces an average of 30 eggs per day. Their children are going to the best schools. The group members can afford health care from public facilities. |
21 | Turbo | Kuriot Kosyin Horticuture Group. | Marta Birgen(Chairlady)-0717567856 | Horticultural farming | 100,000 | The business has grown with the funding they received from WEF The members can now educate their children and provide health care services |
22 | Soy | Asis Koluu Women Group | Leah Kosgei(Chairlady)-0721759394 | Dairy farming | | The group was previously doing table banking. Each member now has a dairy cow that approximately produces 5.5 liters per day of milk. The members can now access health care from public facilities. Improved shelter and can comfortably afford balanced diet |
23 | Kesses | Mwihoti Kamuyu Women Group | Mary Nyakio(Chairlady)-0716463584 | Horticultural farming | | The members can now educate their children and avoid health care services |
24 | Kapseret | Ahadi Blessed Sisters Women Group | Jane Nyandia Gichui(Chairlady)-0721209830 | Individual businesses. | 350,000 | They have now moved from rental houses to their own plots and have built own houses. They are able to offer soft loans to members. |
25 | Nakuru East | Oasis Women Group | Irene Njoki 0723942761 | Curio Business | 200,000 | The chairlady confirmed that the group is currently exporting their wares to the East African Regional markets and have identified a buyer from Rwanda who orders directly form the group. This has greatly improved the living standards of the group members. |
26 | Rongai | Sarambei Belion Women Group | Pauline Tomno 0718753277 | Green House Farming | 500,000 | Members supply indigenous vegetables the local supermarkets and of Kshs 60,000 per month and this has improved their live hoods. |
27 | Luanda | Embumbayi Women Group | Millicent Awuor 0705717004 | Basketry and Fish farming | 200,000 | The groups consist of widows who are now better placed to pay school fees for their children, and each member takes home a dividend of at least Ksh. 20,000 at the end of the month. |
28 | Mathare | United Kambi Moto Self Help Group | Jane Nyambura 0723988000 | Water Vending Points and Real Estate | 350,000 | The group make sales of Kshs30,000 -50,000 per month from the projects The group has employed 5 women in the project. |
30 | Mwala Constituency | Twone Mbee Women Group | Joyce Twili Maingi 0712815275 | Event organizers | 200,000 | The group has purchased tents and chairs which they hire out to the community. From the proceeds, they have been able to purchase land which they plan to put up a rental houses. This will supplement their income and ensure that they live decently. |
31 | Gatundu South | Ofigtwe Bethasaida Women Group | Beth Wangui 0713042365 | Commercial Basketry | 200,000 | They have transformed from small scale farmers to commercial weavers earning at least ksh. 20,000 per week from the sales of their goods. |
32 | Jomvu | Jitahidi Upendo Self Help Women Group | Sophie Talu 0723919206 | Pig Farming | 200,000 | They have increased the number of pigs from 20 to 40 Pigs. Their earning have also increased to 500,000 in a span of two years and each member is paid Ksh. 10,000 at the end of the month from the business venture. Members are able to take their children to better schools and provide basic needs |
33 | Kaloleni | Mama Mlezi Safi Self Help Group | Rachael Kimuyu 0727951356 | Event organization, | 200,000 | The group has purchased tents and chairs which they hire out to the community. From the proceeds, they have been able to purchase land which they plan to put up a rental houses. |
34 | Kilifi South | Barani Self Help Group | Cosmus Mashaka 0711824589 | Green House Farming | 350,000 | They have transformed from local farming activities to installation of green houses to members in the community and also carry out farming activities which supplement their income |
35 | Tinderet | Songa Mbele Women Group | Sarah Cherotich 07005578567 | Small Scale Traders | 100,000 | Members have become confident since they no longer wait for the support of their spouses. They are able to supplement their incomes and support their families with basic needs. |
36 | Kipkelion East | Huruma Women Group | Zainab Chepkoech (ChairLady)-0720987252 | Poultry farming | 200,000 | The members have initiated their own businesses. They have better housing and access to education for their children Moved from merry go round to poultry farming. The group has managed to raise their poultry and business finances to over Ksh.500, 000 |
37 | Kipkelion West | Kipkelion Precious Women Group | Eunice Njeri(Chairlady)-0704417128 | Individual businesses | 200,000 | Through WEF, they have managed to create employment to 16 Women and 3 Men. Purchased a piece of land that they will use to build rental houses |
38 | Ainamoi | Kimuge Women | Jackline Chirchir 0708082629 | Horticultural Farming | 100,000 | Their children are able to attend school without any hustle and are able to afford better health care. |
39 | Moiben | Nyorgorkoilam Women Group | Joanne Komen 0722-672522 | Horticultural Farming | 350,000 | They have better housing and access to education for their children. They also have rental houses from which they make a total income of Kshs.50,000 per month. |
40 | Anabkoi | Magunia Films Women Group. | Jane Kiprop 0727820825 | Maize farming | 200,000 | Improved living standards. They have purchased for each member a dairy cow. They are now able to give soft loans to the members. They have set up individual businesses which are doing so well. |
41 | Turbo | Kuriot Kosyin Horticuture Group. | Marta Birgen 0717567856. | Horticultural farming. | 100,000 | The members can now educate their children and avoid health care services. |