This group was founded by the widowed women in the year 2007.It has a total membership of 15 women. The members came together and decided to form a group since they had common challenges in life. They believed that supporting one another through merry go rounds and just being there for each other was a good idea to make them grow and overcome some of the challenges they were undergoing as widows.
This group joined Women Enterprise Fund in the year 2009 and was given a first loan of 50,000. This money was divided amongst 10 members who were present and active by then. They bought a sheep in each homestead. They applied for subsequent loans of 100,000/- then 200,000/- and finally 350,000.
1. Each member has a good number of cattle’s from which they sell milk to the dairy near them.
2. They are also doing maize plantation on a large scale basis.
3. The loan has also helped them in clearing school fees for their children and grandchildren.
4. They are intending to borrow Kshs.500, 000 which is going to be used in buying and selling of maize on large scale.