This group was started in the year 2009 with a total membership of 10.It is located in Runyenjes Constituency Eastern Region.They are under taking the following activities both social and economic.
1. Table banking
2. Merry go round
3. Welfare
4. Tea leasing
5. Boutique
This is a group project that was started in 2013 by the members and it involves leasing tea plantations from the people within the community.
This project has really uplifted the members’ economic status. From the first loan to the subsequent ones, they have been able to become more financially stable.
So far they have 3 tea plantations which have over 2,000 stems from which they make a monthly income of Kshs.120,000.
Currently, each plantation has its own care giver together with the group members.
1. Members have learnt to be self-dependent.
2. They have been able to take care of family basic needs
1. To have money to lease tea plantation to all members.
2. To increase their products /clothes in the Boutique shop.