Partnership Purpose
a) To support the women enterprises and start-ups with the guidance needed to develop and grow their businesses.
b) To provide the women incubates with an opportunity to forge linkages with other enterprises, industries, public organizations and other related actors.
c) To provide micro, small and medium enterprises owned by women with visibility and credibility in the marketplace.
d) To give women entrepreneurs an opportunity to benefit from research and expertise from the university.
Role of WEF
a) Identify micro, small and medium women enterprises for training and incubation.
b) Link the identified women entrepreneurs to JKUAT.
c) Support in market linkages for both domestic and international markets.
d) Provide financial support in business incubation trainings (i.e. facilitation for JKUAT staff providing technical knowhow, women to be trained and training venue) and monitoring and evaluation and impact assessment
Role of Partner
a) Provide training and incubation of women enterprises.
b) JKUAT and JICA will provide financial support towards facilitation of training including accommodation of participants.
c) Technology transfer to the women enterprises.
d) Manufacture technology at a cost based on women entrepreneur's needs.
e) Provide technical support in monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment and follow ups.