Partnership Purpose
a) To carry out certification of products produced by women of the products produced by women at subsidized rates.
b) To support women entrepreneurs/enterprises that requires further support to improve the quality of their products.
Partnership tenure of five years from September 2012.
Role of WEF
a) Identify micro, small and medium women enterprises for training on certification.
b) Organize workshops countrywide for identified women enterprises/entrepreneurs.
c) Link the identified women entrepreneurs to KeBS.
d) Carry out monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment and follow ups.
Role of Partner
a) Provide resource persons during workshops and seminars organized by WEF.
b) Carry out certification of products produced by women in accordance with its guidelines.
c) Recommend women entrepreneurs/enterprises that require further support to improve the quality of their products.
d) Facilitate her officers to participate in the activities of WEF as deemed necessary.