Partnership Purpose.
a) To provide business training to women enterprises in agriculture value chains and renewable energy in Samburu, Narok, Kajiado, Laikipia, Isiolo, Marsabit, Baringo, Kitui, Machakos, Makueni, Taita Taveta and Wajir counties for purposes of receiving funding from WEF.
b) To facilitate linkages of women owned enterprises to markets for instance through trade fairs.
c) To participate in relevant county coordination and national dialogue forums aimed at strengthening women economic empowerment such as WEF partners’ forum.
Partnership tenure of 4 years from September 2016
Role of WEF
a) To vet women entrepreneurs to access funding from WEF.
b) To support creation and promotion of linkages by organizing interactive/consultative forums between women and stakeholders.
c) To conduct capacity building for the women identified under the SNV/WEF program.
To conduct monitoring and evaluation of the partnership program and submit periodic reports
Role of Partner
a) To provide business training to women enterprises in agriculture and renewable energy to enable their preparedness to access and effectively use funding from WEF.
b) To facilitate linkages of women owned enterprises to markets (e.g., through trade fairs).
c) To participate in relevant county coordination and national dialogue forums aimed at strengthening women economic empowerment such as WEF partners’ forum.
d) To conduct monitoring and evaluation of the partnership program and submit periodic reports.