Partnership Purpose
a) Provide a framework of cooperation between WEF and The County.
b) Improve livelihoods and quality life for Busia Women by promoting regular incomes.
c) Facilitate to create jobs for the women in the County through enterprise development.
Role of WEF
a) Undertake M&E of the collaboration and disseminate lessons learnt and best practices
b) Enhance critical linkages to other relevant National programmes and WEF existing partners.
c) Building capacity of the identified groups on entrepreneurship & business management skills, mentorship and coaching.
Role of Partner
a) Mobilize women entrepreneurs for sensitization and training activities.
b) Facilitate meeting venues for training and sensitization Facilitate the registration of women SACCOS/cooperatives and enterprises.
c) Set aside and avail land for the development of commercial infrastructure to support women enterprises.
d) Provide Letters of Undertaking for women entrepreneurs with genuine LPOs/LSOs for financing by WEF and fulfilling the County’s remittance obligations as per the letters to assure WEF loan recoveries.
e) Avail procurement opportunities through AGPO for qualified women entrepreneurs in the county