Partnership Purpose
a) To develop a detailed understanding of how the program is designed to operate, assess whether it is performing according to policies, identify organizational barriers to program effectiveness and recommend good practices.
b) To strengthen M&E function of the fund through skills development and experience to understand program goals and design for effective M&E
Role of WEF
a) To provide relevant information that will guide the scoping phase, review the theory of change and formulate the research questions
b) Link up beneficiaries and stakeholders with partners for effective evaluation process.
c) Designate an officer who will be the primary contact and can engage/ co-design output with IDinsight
d) Design documents/tools to ascertain that all needs are captured into program evaluation
Role of Partner
a) Develop data collection instruments and meet ethical requirements
b) Spearhead the formulation of the research questions to guide evaluation
c) Hire and train enumerators, lead data collection and cover enumerators’ wages and participant token of appreciation.
d) Guide the development of the theory of change at the start of the evaluation to map out how inputs lead to activities and outputs to drive outcome changes.