Britam Tower 11th Floor, Nairobi   •   +254-714-606-845   •
Found 14 results
Partnership Purpose a) To conduct capacity building of women beneficiaries by providing...
Partnership Purpose 1. To support the women enterprises and startups to access funding after...
Partnership Purpose a) To support the women enterprises and start-ups with the guidance...
Partnership Purpose a) To carry out certification of products produced by women of the...
Partnership Purpose a) Provide a framework of cooperation between WEF and The County. b)...
Partnership Purpose a) Provide a framework of cooperation between WEF and The County. b)...
Partnership Purpose a) Provide a framework of cooperation between WEF and The County. b)...
May 2023
Partnership Purpose a) To develop a detailed understanding of how the program is designed to...
Partnership Purpose a) To carry out certification of products produced by women of the...
Partnership Purpose a) Joint training and coaching in MKU’s GEA and WEF initiatives b)...
May 2023
Partnership Purpose a) To mobilize and sensitize women with disabilities on available...
Partnership Purpose. a) To provide business training to women enterprises in agriculture...