Britam Tower 11th Floor, Nairobi   •   +254-714-606-845   •

Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the workplace has the potential to negatively affect the health safety, productivity, and efficiency of employees which results in low output in the organization. The well-being of the working community is paramount.
WEF is committed to promoting the well-being of its community by creating a safe and healthy environment. WEF recognizes the negative impact that Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Abuse may have on an individual’s ability to work. This negative impact affects the health and well-being of individual members of staff resulting in higher levels of absenteeism. This affects staff performance in terms of attendance, efficiency, and productivity. Call NACADA's Free Helpline No. 1192 for Counseling and Referrals, and Incident Reporting.
Help line is available 24 Hrs Everyday

Road Safety
An estimated 3,000 deaths from road crashes occur annually in Kenya. About 40% of this number are pedestrians. The annual economic cost of road crashes is about 3-5% of the GDP or Kshs. 300 billion. Road crashes are the highest contributors to disability in Kenya leading to an increase in the health burden and poverty through the loss of able breadwinners. Women Enterprise Fund is committed to supporting the government in mainstreaming road safety to reduce deaths and injuries caused by road traffic accidents.


Zero Tolerance to Corruption
Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) exercises Zero tolerance for Corruption. Corruption remains the single greatest obstacle to socio-economic development in Kenya. Corruption reduces investment, increases costs, lowers productivity, and undermines confidence in public institutions, leading to poor performance and poor service delivery to stakeholders among other vices. Report any corruption incidence in line with the guidelines through ; and via telephone number 0793324820.